Assisted Dying is an urgent issue for New South Wales.I can vividly remember the moment my doctor told me that a scan had found cancer in my liver. Just two weeks earlier a ‘precautionary’…Dec 13, 20202Dec 13, 20202
Life, imaginedI’ve written before about how, as part of my dual tracking approach to a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, I’ve been recording a series of videos…Jul 27, 20191Jul 27, 20191
Living with terminal velocityThis week marks the two year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis — at the time aged 35 with three beautiful kids under the age of five.Jul 26, 20194Jul 26, 20194
Four months post Stage 4 cancer diagnosis. Where has the introspection got me ?It’s been around four months since I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the age of 35. You can read about my initial freak out here…Nov 22, 201728Nov 22, 201728
I’m 35 and I may suddenly have lost the rest of my life. I’m panicking, just a bit.It’s been a while since I put a piece of writing in the public domain, but suddenly I have a lot to get off my chest, well my colon…Aug 14, 2017629Aug 14, 2017629